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Way I See It: Life, Death and Jumanji

So, last month my awesome friend treated me to a trip to the movies and lunch—Jumanji 2 and a delicious grill. Over lunch (and later tea) we discussed as we so often do: Life, Death, Mediumship and why someone who’s passed over still contacts us or sends messages. If you’ve been following this blog or my writing one, you’ll know that I’m new to mediumship and I seem to have the most success channeling messages from pets. In any case, my friend asks and I (using my reading, experience and intuition) theorize—kind of my version of Spirits Theoretical 😀

So, take what you find most interesting and research further yourself as this just my WISI (Way I See It) inspired by the recent Jumanji movies and other gaming franchises. I add to this the basis that my aunt and researchers like Edgar Cayce surmisal that They (Passed Over Ones) have another kind of life over death which varies with individuals.

Please also note that I believe in past lives, reincarnation, and karmic cycles. So, here come the questions and my theories, which are continually evolving.

What Happens When They Die?

Short answer: They level up or are in the process of gaining a new level—graduating.

Long answer: In Jumanji and most other quest/adventure games a player seeks information, objects/points for completing tasks, complementary companions etc. Knowledge and stuff won/earned allows you to move on the next level or complete the game. This makes me think our lives are much the same. When our life or current state of being ends, we graduate or complete the game—Game Over, right? Only, we have other games to play, other realities to experience. Maybe, once we’ve experience all we can of the Jumanji universe, we’re onto Sonic next. Respawning, or coming back to the same point where you died (like being eaten by that hippo in Jumanji), seems much like reincarnation, allowing us to learn and work through issues (karma) until we can move forward.

Why Do They (Passed Over Ones) Contact Us?

Short answer: Infodumps or Exchange of Information

Long answer: Sometimes part of the next game/purpose of their soul is to act as guides (cheatsheet sharers and teachers simultaneously). Other times, They may need information or to learn something more via us for their own evolution. Many of you are familiar with the first concept, but the more I experience mediumship and spiritual guides, the more I feel there are times when they need us, or even experience us, in a similar manner. Another friend of mine years ago suggested the same to me from his own experience: that it’s a mutual exchange in some way. Being in spirit might mean aspects of the human or (3-D) world aren’t as accessible to them, or perhaps They didn’t complete some less meaningful experiences. So, from Their perspective, it may be similar to discussing with your friend who’s still playing the game you finished something like: “Where exactly was the dinosaur? The roof! No wonder I didn’t meet the T-Rex!”

How Do Mediums Get Messages From Them?

(Personal to me, may differ vastly with other mediums)
Short answer: Pop-up info blocks. Superimposed information via visuals, or audio.

Long answer: Multi-verses and Multi-timelines are my feelings on this. The way I experience my grandmother’s visits are like a superimposed impression in this reality, or (for Pratchett fans) Tiffany’s famous Third Thoughts that Answer Back At You in the voice of my Grandmother. For me, this happens with the doggies, too 🙂

But How Can They Be In Two Or More Places At Once?

Short Answer: Concurrent multiverses/timelines/realities and multi-dimensional states

Long Answer: Bear with me on this one. If you’re experiencing life in 3-D (or any other higher D), there’s a part of you that is seen in 1-D, and more of you in 2-D, etc. This means we’re already multi-dimensional, but mostly aware of 3- and 4-D experiences. One’s who’ve passed over maybe able to express themselves in even more dimensions.
How often do you do two things at once (talk to someone and play a game), or multi-task even further: drive, sing, plan the rest of route, run a debate through your mind on the topic discussed on radio, and adjust the aircon at more or less the same time? I believe They can do the same, only They’re driving in one universe, singing in another, planning Their route in yet another while debating with you in this, and so on. Getting back to ‘Jumanji’ and game analogies, consider Avatars: Same personality/energy/awareness but difference skill-sets. The characters are aware of their small town high-school lives, personalities and relationships. But in the game (another reality/timeline), they have other personalities, tools and skillsets available to them—maps only they can see, physical skills they can express, knowledge implanted in them. While their high-school selves predominate and is their primary awareness, they integrate aspects of their avatars in their responses and reactions. In fact, they need the avatar’s skills and knowledge to complete the game.

So, there you have it. The WISI on Life, Death, and Jumanji. I hope it’s got you thinking, contemplating, and exploring concepts that will help you find your own truth and understanding along with your awesome friends 🙂

If you’d like to discuss this further, look for the Ramble: Way I See It== Life, Death and Jumanji on my Patreon. For more on my early channeling experiences and thoughts, read my letter on Sciencefantasyhub.