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Your Tarotscope February 2017


by Leenna

Before we know it, it’s February! Month of bills and the stress of Valentines Day. As a special treat, let me peek into your Valentines Day and see if we can discover if there’s a card or two for you. More details at the end of the post. For your month’s Love Tarotscope, you can find my podcast here.

*only for entertainment purposes.

NB: Please watch out for large avalanches and heavy snowfalls around mountainous areas, and dangerous seas around the Atlantic and Baltic Seas.



February could start in a better way, but it doesn’t. You’re still reeling from the overspending in January and the holidays. Your credit card is not happy, and the kids may still be demanding that you break what’s left of the bank. Instead of feeling guilty and refusing to come out the house till next payday, stand up to the kids, shake-off any guilt, and count yourself lucky. You have all that you need, and wanting too much consumes too much of your energy that could be spent on better things. Volunteer your Saturday afternoons at an old-age home or animal shelter (take the kids along too) and you’ll soon stop worrying about wanting things.

Around mid-month things get soo much better. Generosity finds you (maybe via that volunteering) and you’re soon feeling no lack in your life. Small fortunes may find themselves to you – perhaps an extra fortune-cookie or a small raffle win. Enter without expectation and let the good stuff find you!

February keeps on getting getting better, lucky you! Following that fortune-cookie advice may bring you more opportunities than expected and, more to your taste, good deals are easily found. It’s time for you to make hay while the sun shines.



Like friend Aquarius, the beginning of February has you fretting over bills – the phone and credit-cards in particular. You’re also chafing to change your image or get new clothes – anything to mark a new look for you this 2017. The temptation to get a radical piercing or two is also strong, along with the need to wear something unique, like…florals or Hawaiian shirts with ski-gear? You want to stand out in the crowd, show that you’re your own person and stop blending in. Wait till the end of the month. You’ll have a better sense of style and a better budget to make that change successfully.

Around mid-February, you’ll be inundated with calls and social functions. A friend may be getting married overseas and needs your advice. You may also take up a new class: art, dance or catering. Although you’re not going further than the outskirts of town, you feel like the world’s your oyster.

The month comes to an end with a high note of success and love. You might have been too busy to celebrate Valentine’s Day, but the month-end more than makes up for it with lots of love, a little romance and a great sense that life is good and getting better!



February marks the end of the malaise you might have been feeling. If you’ve been looking for a new client, job or promotion, you may hear back within the first two days to two weeks of this month. You may have two interviews too, one by phone and one with your possible new boss.

Success seems likely as there are contracts (fair in nature) which may be signed around mid-month. It’s the time to reap what you’ve sown. Be brave of heart and consider all opportunities. It’s a good time to formalise relationships too, so if you’re thinking of proposing to your beloved on Valentines Day, you couldn’t ask for a better time.

The end of the month brings a new challenge. Stand apart for a while to get the lay of the land before committing yourself to any action. The pause, new information, and new resources available will provide a better solution than you may first think.



While external events may shock you and have you running back home in dismay, this month is actually much more positive than you think.

February is your month to find balance (and possibly love, but not romance). You may take up poetry writing or reading, or begin a yoga or pilates class at the beginning of the month. Emotional upsets will cease to disturb you for prolonged periods and you’ll find it easier to breathe.

Mid-month brings a wonderful surprise. A gift, (not material) may be received and you may plan a spiritual or artist retreat with some of your best friends. You may also begin planning a back-packing holiday, possibly an extended one. For the most part, you’ll feel happy and blessed.

The month ends with some confusion over missed messages and romance. Your travel plans (especially the back-packing one) may also be delayed by a sibling or a younger friend. The true nature of someone in your close circle may also be revealed.



This month begins with one of your favourite occurrences – lots of communication! There’ll be international messages and phone calls (some business and career related), perhaps to a conference. Your messages and intentions will be clearly understood and now’s the time to let the world know you’re out there. It’s a great time to start a new social media account or update your existing ones.

Mid-month may bring some confusion especially around the time of the full moon. A matter concerning your mother may disturb you and it will be difficult to access your usual innate wisdom. Depending on others perceptions and intuitions makes you feel uncomfortable, but may produce some unexpected and pleasantly surprising results.

Study or research is your focus towards the end of the month, along with pets and children too. You may have to brush up or learn a new accounting or database tool. You’ll also be called to be persistent on a matter close to your heart.



Contracts and karmic issues mark the beginning of February for you. You may be starting a new job or signing other legal documents. It’s a good time to sort out any issues with your passport or driver’s license as you’ll be needing them later in the year. Karma-wise you’ll find what you send out returns quickly to you.

Mid-month brings a wish delayed. Valentines messages may be lost or misconstrued. Think twice when replying to messages at this time. You may also find that your ambitions are delayed by natural disasters or changes in policy ie. things outside your personal control. These are just delays and give you time to reflect and be more prepared. Use this time wisely.

The month ends with a call for you to be wise and brave. An opportunity is offered to you, but it may call for a drastic change to your life which you may feel overwhelming. It’s related to the delay from the preceding weeks, so once again, you have time to contemplate, evaluate and discern the best course for you.



The month begins with high-energy and a long-awaited message reaching you. It’s all systems go, and you couldn’t be happier! If you’re out in nature, you’ll see some wonderful and rare sights so keep your camera handy.

Mid-month seems like a Simpson’s episode, one you share with your buddy, not life your partner. Absurdities and strangeness abound even without you actively looking for them. Be like Lisa, not Bart. She’d never forget Valentines Day.

Your partner is upset (Did you really forget Valentines Day?) and is not impressed by you saying ‘Doh!’ Dig deeper for your sensitive feelings and don’t turn art for relaxation into a competition. Call your mothers (and in-law), sisters (and in-laws) and aunts. This is a time when all them could be angry with you and you need to set the record straight or you’ll forever be stuck with this broken record. A few dollars spent on the phone to them could save you thousands in therapy.



February doesn’t look to be your favourite month. Seems like you’ve been matching Aquarius and Pisces with the same hefty credit card bills, and you’re really kicking yourself for letting yourself go financially. You’re also a little scared because, for the first time, you can’t predict your finances for the next few months as you’ve always done before. You’ve never been very good at claiming defeat and this isn’t the time to start. Go break something that needs breaking, gather up the pieces and throw them away. It’s time to swept out the old and start with a fresh perspective.

Mid-month brings some clarity and relief. The worst is over, the air is clear and the scars of the battle you’ve been fighting aren’t as hideous as you’d thought they’d be. You’re free to move on and up.

The month ends with some comfort. You’ve made a decision and have found your way forward. It may not be ideal but you know this drill and could do it in your sleep. You may have to juggle a few things around, but you’re happy to have things in control again. You may even begin saving in a two-year plan for something you’ve long wanted or for your child’s schooling.



Fear not, brave-heart, your time for breaking free is close at hand this month. Though you may not see it, help is on the way to free you from a situation that’s wearing you down. Physical or spiritual, your allies and supporters are there for you.

Mid-month may show you where you need to build yourself to assume the position you most covet or seek. It may be a question of experience or a slight misjudgement, but what you learn from it will see you well set up for the future. There may be some conflict with your father or husband too, one (or both) who may not be able to see your path as you intend to take it.

The month ends with you in a vacillating mood, but that’s not anything new. Should I, or shouldn’t I? Will you or won’t you? Look around carefully, instead of staring at the same thing hours on end, and you may find a third option which suits you and yours brilliantly.



Decisions, decisions and they all need answers at once! February begins in a more taxing manner than anticipated. Someone with the initial ‘R’ may help you sort out up from down and all things in between.

Mid-month looks more promising, with a little trip or a long weekend away, in good company or with your beloved. It will get you back on even-keel and ready to face the rest of the month. It’s a good time to do some star-gazing or witness the eclipse. It will help you gain a sense of your place and purpose.

The end of the month may bring some horror story to light, possibly about an air-sign in your life, or one’s that about to enter your life. Harsh words and actions will be circumvented, and justly so. Admitting that you’re wrong is difficult, but noble. Be noble. It’s more becoming than being sulky.



This is a month of changing friendships and new perspectives.

At the beginning of February, you’ll be in a galvanized mood, eager to launch into new projects and seeking the best for everyone. Not so some of your friends. You may be planning group activities, only to find yourself alone. It’s a great time to catch up on your computer gaming.

Mid February brings out some uncommon beliefs and questioning which may lose you a friend or two. You know that the traditional approach may not always be the best or even relevant any more. Seeking new paths and answers will consume most of your time.

The month ends with more changes. You energy is stabilizing, but only just. You still want to rush off and make sweeping changes, but holding back till early May could make for better timing. People may remark about how much you’ve changed recently, but it’s just that they never knew the real you. You can’t hide yourself anymore.



This February, you’ll feel your age, but in a good way.

The month begins with vivid memories of your childhood and youth. You’ll be amazed at how you’ve changed, adapted and coped with situations you couldn’t have imagined. You’ll feel pride in your hard-won wisdom and the life that you’ve build for you and your family. An old friend or two may also come back into your life – possibly to revive an old romance or business proposition.

Mid-month brings some wonderful news around the time of the eclipse. A premonition may hold you in good stead, and while there may not be any monetary windfalls, you’ll feel a connection to a spring of well-being and wonder. It’s an excellent to share your experiences with others in a blog, writing group or with like-minded friends over a picnic.

February ends with talk of big plans which you feel may never material. But it makes everyone happy, including you, so why not indulge. Children with special needs or abilities will also enjoy you taking them out to meet horses and ponies. There is much healing there for both the kids and you.


Wondering if this Valentines Day is going to be the same as always or something magically special? Leave me a comment below before 14 February 2017 and, in the spirit of fun and love, I’ll reply with a drawn card for you to see what we see 😀

Wishing you a love-filled and safe February.

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